Xibalani Tsonga skirt

Its always nice to see that people  from different culture also like to wear the xitsonga xibelani.This is the ‘skirt’ that the young and the old will dance to by shaking thier hips.,popular knew as twerking .It looks easy to twerk while wearing the xibelani but trust me its not.Like all things it takes practice to be perfect.Am a proud owner of the xibelani and I do practice when I get a chance to.I will upload a video that will show you how the xitsonga people twerk.

friends wearing xibelani
friends wearing xitsonga print.
twerking wearing xibalani
twerking wearing xibalani


The season is coming up in December.I have to say I look forward to of my own traditional wedding one day is day.I have seen soo many fabulous wedding dress,that I myself that I have to marry a Tsonga man.

The Ixtsonga traditinal wear has revolutionized.Growning up I would of never thought one day I woud see top of the range wedding dress and bridesmaides.Man are also include rocking the shirt same as the bride colour.Chidren are also cater for.A wedding is a family affair after all.

I Have upload same of the pictures that make my mouth to drop on the floor.I was amazing by the designs.What are can I say Xitsonga fashion at its best babay.You will be blow away as well.


weddingwedding 1brasimaides61_n

Top couture

I will try to bring you the amazing designs I have seen to my liking.The outfits I feel every Ixtsonga or any  women should have if in her wardrobe.We can all be looking our best in our South African Xitsonga  traditional wear.

All you have to do is spead the word that my blog :Ixtsonga fashion is a most to read.In return I will hook you up with The hottest Ixtsonga couture.I have uploading two  pictures below which I think are On Point.The two ladies are rocking the dresses.I can not wait for December as i will be rocking the yellow print dress.I soo wish I had her small figure.She is looking super fly.Both these dresses u can rock them at a wedding,21 birthday celebration,doing to church,baby shower and graduation.The  list is reaaly endless, thats the great thing about dresses you can wear them through out the year.

Rocking Purple dress.
Rocking Purple dress.
Top couture.
Top couture.ixtsonga African print

The original print

This the traditional Ixtsonga print.
This the traditional Ixtsonga print.

The traditional original print of the ixtsonga culture.The colours are always bright they can brighten you.The women keep their look very simple and wearing bangles.It was a hot day as it always is in Limpopo,an umbralla is a most to protect your skin.

On the next following days we take a look at the different kinds of designs that can be done with the traditional print.Feel free to comment to tell me how you like my blog.Your contribution will mean alot to me.I am looking forward to hearing from you.